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Five tips for Healthy Skin.

Updated: May 30, 2023

Include these five simple tips in ur daily routine for healthy & Glowing skin.

Proctect yourself from Sun.

  • Over exposure to Sun can cause Wrinkles, Dark spots & other skin problem.

  • Use Sunscreen daily of SPF 40+.

  • Cover up the body with protective clothes.

Avoid Smoking & Fumes.

  • Smoking & the Fumes emitted can contribute to Wrinkles and premature Aging.

  • Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layer of the skin, thereby decreasing the blood supply to the skin.

  • Low blood supply leaves the skin devoid of Nutrition & Oxygen.

  • Damages collagen & elastin , the fibres that gives strength and elasticity to th skin.

Go gentle on your skin.

  • Daily shaving and aggressive scrubbing can take a toll on your skin.

  • Limit bath time.

  • Avoid using strong soap.

  • Moisturizer skin after taking a bath.

  • Never rub the skin always pat dry after a bath.

  • Use a softening agent & Shave carefully.

Healthy Diet .

  • A Nutritious diet can contribute to healthy glowing skin.

  • Eating plenty if fruits & vegetable , whole Grains , lean protein and avoiding sugar , unhealthy fats and processed food can promote younger looking skin.

  • Do not forget to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily.

Manage stress.

  • Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and trigger acne breakout anr other skin problem.

  • Set reasonable targets.

  • Keep a to do list

  • Do things you enjoy.

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